Sunday, October 5, 2014

Ok readers! the epilogue is on... and as i said, the end is again *happy happy* :) hope you will enjoy.... so dont forget to send me your awesome feedbacks and comments,  they make me feel so special as a writer....and helps me to write better! 

(Story Banner: Nishaa)


After 2 years….

[Arnav’s pov]

“will you take me back, my love?”
I still remember my words of that day. Seems like just yesterday, but long 2 years have passed just like that.

Dear Khushi,

I really don’t know if I can ever tell you how I feel. The feelings…. It’s just can not be written with letters. The big void that created inside my heart, the unbearable pain, the tightness of breathing….

I will never forget.

I will never able to say how I feel, how much I crave you. How much I needed to be around you is not measurable.

Back then you said ‘my appearance is just like a wind in your life, though you took it as air…’ but I refused to believe you again. It was not like I don’t believe you, but having trust in that fact was like ‘trusting on my disappearance’…. How could I do that?
It seemed like I failed making you realize my deepest emotion… how was that possible? You could read my eyes like an open book…. What happened now?

“Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada!!” The typhoon finally hit, “You seems like have writing a lot, don’t you?” She glared me with her blazing honey-eyes, “Is THIS is the reason we came here?!”

I kept my reading glasses on table and glance her from head to toes making her gasp, “Then what my highness wants?” I smirked evilly at her nervous soul and walked to her.

My steps were short and measured, enough to make her shudder and clasp her sea-dress with all might. Calling the great ASR seemed a little dangerous stunt to her now.

At last I reached and observed her to tease her. “Bad idea. You should not have wear ‘such’ small dress before me Mrs. Khushi Singh Raizada….” I whispered in ears slowly, “What do you want me to do now?”

This is why I tease her. The lovely shade of crimson would appear, those bow shaped lips will stir with anticipation and last but not the least, I will…..


I groaned inwardly. Why he have to come out of now where?? Spoiling my mood, eh?

Khushi giggled looking at my pained expression. “Looks like you will have a tough competition with my boy!” She winked.

“Tough competition…” I imitate her making a girly voice, “With me the great ASR?!!” Rolling my eyes I bowed before my son, “Champ, first try to have a bigger body that this 3 foots… then tell me.”

“But… I am more handsome than you daddy!” The little brat had to point my ‘big’ weakness… “And mamma has fallen for that!”

“You little…..” I started to chase him playfully, and in the mean time Khushi took him in her arms and began running, “Now this is ‘fair’ chase…isn’t it???”

Our laughter echoed the beach-island.

Dear Khushi,

First I thought love is nothing but a burden, a blind fold which will make you turn your back to your ‘real relations’.

But I was wrong.

Your love had finally set me free. For years I was burdened with pain, responsibility and ignorance.

For years people took me as a source of money. As a boss of my company. As a heartless man who would measure everyone with money. Who had charm, who had roughness, Who was Arnav Singh Raizada.

But you took me as Arnav. You put fights with me for silly reasons, you pointed out my wrong doings, you made my dull life enjoyable.

You changed my gray room in a pinkish-fairy-princess room. You made friendship even with Laxmi.

You cared for me like no other, no even my di could do that. You scolded me for neglecting my health, you put up you silly smile even when I made you cry.

Ya, I know…. I know…. You are the great Mrs. ASR (chuckle)!

But then…..
I love to seeSalman Khan’s impossible stunts now-a-days.

‘Shopping’ is not like a tiredsome work anymore.

I have grown a fondness for road-side foods.

And lastly,
The little Arman Singh Raizada has come to the world, to beat me in my own charm! (pout)

What about that??

“Ya, Khushi!! Are you going to pat him till sun rise?” I frowned standing before Aru’s( Arman’s nick name) room.

“You are shouting like crazy!” Khushi opened the door and glared, “He will wake up!”
“ok ok….but can we…atleast…go to our room now?!” I made the cutest-pleading face possible and as always, she smiled!

“Oh and by the way, are you interested in our ‘private works’ or what?” Arnav looked at the eager Arshians behind him, “Have some shame and mercy on us, will you??”

With that, we, arshians are ushered out side and they closed the door like, huh!!!
As if we will leave them?!! ….. LOL of the day!!

Till my next fiction, Stay happy Arshi….. Stay happy little Arman!!

And you readers, stay with me to read more fictions!!

Until then,
Allah hafiz!
Afia Zahin.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Hello friends! 
I know I am late, sorry for that... I was very busy with some of my personal problem. Hope you will be considarate and forgiving. Let's move to the story, shall we?

This is the last part of the story... hope you will enjoy. But i will leave an epilogue soon enough.  Do leave your comments and feedbacks. Happy reading!!

(Last Part)

Banner Credit:: (Nishaa, Thanks a ton!)

Sometimes, it matters only about you.

Amidst of all pretence, keeping your lips zipped, smiling before the world so just they do not worry become useless.

Useless, when the poisonous pain grabs your heart and squeezes it till it bled its last.

Were you wrong to love?
No, but you are wronged by other. The person did not find love in you. Sadistic, isn’t it?

Khushi’s Arnavji never found his love, or so she thought.
His life were in somewhere else. In his work, in his family, in his di, even in his plants.
But never in Khushi.

He considered her secondary, as her fate always followed him around; like a bee follows a flower, like a star follows a planet.

But what happens when the flower turns away from it?

Arnav did the same; mocking her existence whenever he found a fault, let her know she was not needed…that he would get his life when she will disappear.
But crushing her pure feelings for him hit the last pin of the coffin.

“Why can’t you love me like I do?”

Khushi gathered her belongings in two bags and kept them in vacant place of his cupboard. A long sigh life from her lungs. The white bags made her remember her ‘Pag-phere ka rasaam’…how her family threw her out saying she was not their anymore. Her gifts were given back to her, saying there was no need to show them what she can ‘afford’.

Yes, she can afford to bear the hate of her family. She can see her nani ji’s coldness towards her. She can bear the tantrums of mami ji. Even, the pitiful eyes of the strangers when her family was insulting her.

But she could not afford to see her love suffering. Suffering because of her, suffering because she was still breathing, suffering because she was a unwanted burden on his shoulder-a burden he can not dispose.

“There are winds of destiny that blow when we least expect them. Sometimes they gust with the fury of a hurricane, sometimes they barely fan one’s cheek. But the winds cannot be denied, bringing as they often do a future that is impossible to ignore.” 

Will death help her enough? There must be some way to stop this heart from beating for him anymore, right?


“Watch your thoughts for they become words.
Watch your words for they become actions.
Watch your actions for they become habits.
Watch your habits for they become your character.
And watch your character for it becomes your destiny.
What we think, we become.
My father always said that... and I think I am fine.”

No, his father never said those words to him. He was a stupid jerk who spend his life like gamble. And so, Arnav Singh Raizada will never know the actual impact of his actions.

He was way too smart, handsome and educated to do wrong. Then how it was possible that he wronged with his own wife?

It was only because he himself was a human.

The first time he was deceived was by his father. His neatly folded life turned into torn-crumpled garbage. The next moment followed with supreme poverty and lack of love, when he discovered that he had lost the shelter to hide his head. The teenager boy vowed not to trust anyone in his lifetime.

But the ‘anyone’ was not his di. Di, that is what he calls the lean woman…who was not only his sister but a guardian, a perfect combination of strength and kindness.

“We just received a video ASR. A man was found entering and going out of your house.”

“What the **** you are telling me? The tight security we had ensured, how?!”

“Not possible ASR… until…”

“Until what?”

“Let me just email you the video-footage.” The security-chief hastily said. “You may know the person who is letting that man inside.”

Arnav could only node. His head was already throbbing with extreme pressure.

The video showed the pool side’s secret door before him. Day: Saturday, Time: 11.00 pm.
“When I said those things to…” He closed his eyes in pain, “That means her involvement is completely out of the question.”
After waiting for next 5 minutes he heard a gentle knock. The rhythmically gentle noise seemed like a code or something? A lady covering her entire head opened the door.

And there you see, The great Shyam Manohar Jha was standing with his devilish smirk.
“Raani Sahiba!” he hugged the lady tight in his arms.

“Raani Sahiba” did he heard right?


Arnav Singh Raizada closed his eyes in despair.

“True regret is knowing you missed your only opportunity to be simply a good friend to someone that was exactly like you.” 

He realized Khushi was betrayed just like him, by her loved ones, by her friend, or so she considered. His heart stabbed something sharp, making it bleed, making it wounded.

‘The heart that used to beat for you has made your heart stop…’

Memories from past tortured him… A girl who loved him like no other, who cared of his needs, understood his inner soul…
She unknowingly broke the wall around his heart, letting him feel the world around him, giving a second chance to live at his choice, with his wishes, with his own happiness….

And he did choose his happiness. He chose his di’s happiness.

“Ma! For the first time I think… I think I did wrong. I committed a sin by trusting di so much….”
“I hurt her so much ma. Will she forgive me? Ever?”

All he wanted is to go to his wife…. Beg her forgiveness, win her trust again, and heal her broken heart with utmost love and protection.

“The day misspent,
the love misplaced,
has inside it
the seed of redemption.
Nothing is exempt
from resurrection.”

Arnav’s arrival echoed in the silent hallroom. The once peacefull house was ready for the countdown. It has the seen the growing friendship, love, protection and understanding between the siblings. Now it’s time to count in the reverse way.

“Between two brains, there will always be misunderstandings and lies caused by parasitic smells, drafts and poor-quality reception.” 

He halted before his Di’s room. He could hear the soft laugh coming from there. His sister was happy with that man. “Then be it!” He softly said to himself…
“Be happy, di.”

Now he had only one concern. His wife. All this time she always was like an unwanted before him. Their contract marriage clearly bordered a thin thread between their relation…making them go away from each other…miles and miles away….


Arnav tried to figure out her delicate feature in semi-dark room. “Khushi, can you please….please give me another chance to clear myself? I was not in my sense dear… and you probably you what a stupid-jerk I am… Khushi?”

She was clad in the same sky blue suit. Her tired self tried to stood up, “You do not need to, Arnav ji. I understand…” Her voice trailed away. “I do understand now, better late than never!” She tried to show her ‘fake’ happiness once more, “It must be so difficult for you to control me right? I was such a bother to you and the family!”

“No, no Khushi! Don’t say that. You are the shining star in my life, I adore you, I love you…. my…my breath depends on your smiling. The more I acted stupidly, the more I hurt you, I receive ten times more pain… please don’t…” After many years of his life, for the first time may be, he silently shed tears before a woman. His wife…his woman.

“That is why I am going Arnav ji! I have no intention to inflict more pain in your life, in our family’s life. What all says is right, ‘I can never bring happiness in anyone’s life, though my name says otherwise!’ she laughs dryly, truly Arnav ji… I am donating your king sized bed back to you! You do not need to use that recliner anymore…” Khushi tried with all her might not break before her Arnav ji, but only if her heart ever listens to her!

“Khushi, You can’t leave me… no, no way! Hell, tell me you are joking…”

“I am not joking this time Arnavji… because of me, your life has turned into a living joking isn’t it? I am a bad omen in your life...
Let me go…
Be happy…
May be some day, you will find your true ‘happiness’ Arnavji!”

“Khushi!!” Arnav made her stop on her tracks.

“My happiness lies in you…
Cant you take me back??

Take Me Back, My Love!!”


Sorry means you feel the pulse of other people's pain as well as your own, and saying it means you take a share of it. And so it binds us together, makes us trodden and sodden as one another. Sorry is a lot of things. It's a hole refilled. A debt repaid. Sorry is the wake of misdeed. It's the crippling ripple of consequence. Sorry is sadness, just as knowing is sadness. Sorry is sometimes self-pity. But Sorry, really, is not about you. It's theirs to take or leave.

Sorry means you leave yourself open, to embrace or to ridicule or to revenge. Sorry is a question that begs forgiveness, because the metronome of a good heart won't settle until things are set right and true. Sorry doesn't take things back, but it pushes things forward. It bridges the gap. Sorry is a sacrament. It's an offering. A gift.”


Allah Hafiz!!
Afia Zahin

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Welcome to my another creation readers! This will be a very short story, mirroring the pain of a girl, who desperately wanted her soul-mate to love her back. The pain was too deep; but how deep was her love?

Genre: Tragedy, Love, Redemption. 

[ Part-1]

Story Banner:: (Thanks to Nishaa, once again!)

What happens when your loved ones do not love you back? When there is no one who will heal your pain with care, protection. Who will love you not because who you are… because they only love you, nothing else?

What happens when they breaks your mirror? A mirror that used to embed with trust, smile and life? They curse you, mocks your feeling, do not count your pleadings, and shatter your courage, set you up as a pathetic excuse among them selves.

Will you give up?

Khushi gave up long ago.

She was just a shadow of her self. A mere body carrying a soul.

‘Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world…
Because…even your shadow leaves you when you are in darkness.’

She waited. Waited till her chest pained. Till her breath took it’s last… till she was cold.
She waited.

But sadly, no one loved her. No one cherished her. No one put their ‘wants’ away and cared for her once.

No one believed her.

‘I will never…never let you cry khushi…I will never hurt you.” He told her that day.
Just that day.

Then again he took her as granted. He pitied her.

Poor soul had no one. Let’s give her a shelter.
Let’s give her an identity in society.  What a charity!

But hell broke loose on her when he could no longer tolerate her. Anger, hatred—he was disappointed. How could she disobey him?

Him, the mighty Arnav Singh Raizada?

Him, who gave her a name, who willingly gave his title ‘Raizada’? Who gave him a place to hide her head?

‘How can she go to his sister’s room?’

His ‘di’ was Anjali, who was utterly broken, vulnerable upon finding her husband’s real face. She refused to take food, absorb water… she was weak. Reason was partially Khushi.

Why she had to be beautiful? Why she had to be too innocent?

Khushi never knew her husband’s brother-in-law lusted after her. She could never measure the amount of evil intention he had for her. But that does not justify her action.

Khushi loved her sister-in-law, Anjali. She understood the pain. The pain of broken dreams, shattering future…. An ache to be with your loved ones, when you have nothing but memories of them.
The same ache she felt when Arnav shooed her away, hated her existence, crumpled the innocent love she had for him.

“Give me my husband back Khushi…” Anjali silently cried. She had no other way but call Khushi and requested her, “Bring him back.”

Khushi looked at her with tearful eyes. “Only you can make ‘Chote’ understand.” She referred Arnav to her.

“I know your pain di… I know…” She started. “NO YOU DON’T!” Anjali shouted,  losing her sanity,“You don’t! Cause you only know how to snatch other’s happiness!”

Khushi looked at her with horror.

“The bloody home wreaker you are…” She panted. “You destroyed chote’s life. You destroyed my life… my husband’s life. What the hell happened to me when I brought you in this house?”

Khushi knew she should get out. ‘Get out right now!’ her head warned her. But her legs were jammed, denied to lift themselves a single inch.

“Who gave you this name, Khushi ji?” Anjali looked her eyes.

 ‘Khushi’ means happiness… but she ended up making other’s cry.

Her head shot back, trying to breath. She felt a part of her died, as soon as Anjali bit out the harsh words to her. She wanted to tell her she was getting all wrong, al wrong.

It was her husband Shyam, who caused the pain. His wreck actions spoiled their lives.
Khushi ran out of the room crying, but soon was caught by mami ji.

“What were you doin here ‘phati saree’? Arnav told you not to go in anjali bitiya’s room… hadn’t he?” She shoke Khushi, “These lower class people are after our happiness, always. Why? Did you parents teach you nothing but ‘black magic’? Nasty people with nasty thoughts!”

Could she tell her that it was Anjali who called her there… insulted her in return, and…

She felt coldness ever powering her body.

‘There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds.’

Khushi entered his room that day, in a trance… The hiding shelter of her, provided by mighty Arnav Singh Raizada.

“What the hell happened to me when I bought you here?!”

“Did parents teach you nothing but ‘black magic? Nasty people with nasty thoughts!”

The words played again and again in her head like a recorder. The insults pricked her skin like thrones, making her squirm with distress.

Is there is no end of this insults?

“I will… I will talk with arnavji. I will… He—he promised me that he will never hurt me, mis…mistrust me… he—he will understand.” She hugged her keens tight. Sitting near the pool she felt her heart, on the edge of endings.

She felt nothing still, the commotion and cries happen in the house did not reach her.

With a bang the door opened. Arnav entered in his room with furious rage, literally shaking. His eyes were blood red due to the crying and frustration for his sister. His mind set up to destroy each thing that would dare to come before him.

How dare she?

“Khushi!” Arnav shouted to his victim.

She was the reason his sister tried to commit suicide. It was just a moment’s escape that she survived. Her unborn infant was unharmed.

But can he ignore the fact that his sister tried to kill herself?
And who was reason?

“Your wife, who you love so much is all set to revenge!” Mami ji bit out to his astonishment, “She went to Anjali’s room, despite of your refutation!”

“What are you saying mami ji? It’s…it’s impossible!”  He looked aggravated.

“I looked with my eyes son! I even asked her why she went there, but the disrespectful
Girl she is!”

Arnav briskly went to his room. He wanted some answers.

Rather, he wanted to put some brain in that illiterate creature, his wife.
Arnav saw her curled on the pool side. So much happened, but she was least bothered with this. All she knew how to hurt him, he thought angrily.

“You!” Arnav hauled her limped body with a jerk. “What do you think of yourself, huh?”

Khushi looked at his eyes, trying to read him as always. But today they held no love, no tender, and no warmth.

The raw hatred startled her, reminded her of the beast he was.

“How can you do this to her? My sister, what was her fault?” He choked her with his vice grip, “You choose to talk with her, despite my resistance! Why? Are you so idiostuperific dumb that you went there to hurt her?” He shouted.

Khushi tried to clear his head, “I did not! Trust me, she only…”

“Now now… Khushi Kumari Gupta! You are trying to defend yourself by accusing my sister?” He growled.

“Why you came in my life, Khushi?” He asked calmly.

She froze on her spot. Her tears stooped, forever.

“You are the reason of my pain. Why you came in my life? I was going well with my family, with my sister!! My… my brother-in-law was not like this, he was not a rogue, miscreant soul. But he did this. He cheated my sister…cause of you!”

“I so wish you did not come in our life… I so wish I had not met you, I had not known you!!”

“I hate you… your existence gives nothing but sadness-agony to others! I don’t understand… how you can simply keep on living when others are suffering of your doings!”

'The opposite of love is not hate, it's indifference. The opposite of art is not ugliness, it's indifference. The opposite of faith is not heresy, it's indifference. And the opposite of life is not death, it's indifference.'

Her stoned figure reflected on pool-water. But the water had no strength to reflect her heart.

A heart that not existed any more.

She stopped counting time, her dream of getting love in return faded in thin air.
Once she was scared of the next day. The day when she will finally realize the fact that getting love was not in her fate.
But now she was not scared any more. Previous time, present time or future, all were equal to her.
As she has lost herself in this big world, nothing mattered.

'What men call the shadow of the body is not the shadow of the body, but is the body of the soul.'

'Some old wounds never truly heal, and bleed again at the slightest word.'

She had dared to love Arnav, a man who really never cared. Never really loved her. Used her again and again to protect his people, kept claiming that he loved, which was proved wrong by himself again.

She wanted to lose herself in his love. Wanted to spend her every minute with him. But the truth was he pitied her; He was far too rich, sophisticated and educated than her. His vision of life was different from hers.  

'The most painful thing is losing yourself in the process of loving someone too much, and forgetting that you are special too.'

Her love laid unanswered, unrequited.

There was no such word….

There was no love…

'A song she heard
Of cold that gathers
Like winter's tongue
Among the shadows
It rose like blackness
In the sky
A Stone of ruin
That on volcano's
Vomit rise
From burn to chill
Like black moonrise
Her voice fell still...'
